Considering the season 2013, this is the most surprising to be observed. About « only » thirty crop-circles appeared in the Wiltshire County which is half the average number reported these past years.
Last spring being unusually cold, cultures have been very late and plant supports were not available at the usual time. The first crop circle was drawn on June 2nd in a blooming rape field.
But giving an explanation by meteorological conditions does not fully justify the number of crop-circles being so low.
Statistics realized over the past nine years (based on data collected by the website, clearly showed that half the formations reported in the whole world were created in England and one third in the Wiltshire County. These proportions show an exceptional concentration in this area, with a special meaning (refer to the book « Crop circles : le défi à la science »). This year the number of glyphs has been divided by two in England as well as in the Wiltshire County. Moreover, it seems the number of formations reported in the other countries of the whole world is considerably lower.
Several beautiful geometrical designs but no scientific encoded knowledge (like it appeared these past years)
We conclude there was nothing really new in England this year. As by the past, the White Horse of Milk Hill, Silbury Hill, the long tumulus of West Kennett and Stonehenge have strongly attracted the formation of crop-circles (photos 1, 2, 3 and 4).
The authors of this David's star (or Solomon’s seal) show an outstanding savoir-faire (photo 5) : in a circle where the wheat stems have been bent down, the design was made by stems being bent in different directions. In the middle of the star, a circle appears in which the stems were bent radially from the outside to the centre : a masterpiece !
In France
Just one crop-circle was reported in France, near Sarrebourg in Lorraine region (photo 6). This confirms the city of Sarrebourg as attractive for crop-circles (refer to page Analysis of crop circle formations in Lorraine). The crop-circles which appeared between 2006 and 2009 plus this one in 2013 are all close to each other, all around the city of Sarrebourg. Concentrating like this is exceptional even the number of crop circles is not high. As by the past, this drawing dated 2013 is simpler than the beautiful ones appeared in Wiltshire; it is elaborated with circular elements.