The 2009 season started very early (April 14) with a large number of formations in fields of rapeseed in bloom. Unable to go on the field before the month of August for personal observations, my thoughts are based on photographs available on dedicated websites.
In April and May, the rapeseed stalks are fragile and it is impossible for man to make them flatten on the ground without breaking them. We nonetheless observe in all crop circles that the stems are cleanly curved above the ground, without being broken or bent (photo 1).
Moreover the flowers are very delicate, and would lose their petals as a result of a mechanical action made by man. However the photographs show that the flower of the folded stalks remain intact (photo 2), this is the proof that the force used, is respectful of the plant, and applied gently and not mechanically.
Finally, it often occurs that a greater or lesser proportion of stalks remains still standing amidst the bent stalks (photo 3). This observation is also inconsistent with the mechanical action of a board that would have been used by man, and shows that the force (whatever its nature) is applied with moderation, consequently the plants which are naturally more resistant are not affected.
Thus, since all tests made by various researchers have resulted in the deterioration of plants, the fact that the plants in the crop circle formation in rapeseed fields are respected, tells us that these formations cannot be of human origin : they are authentic. Eleven formations were created between April 14 and May 10, 2009.
We even found a glyph set in a flax plantation, this plant also is known to be very fragile. It was modest in size and geometrically simple ; however it could be surprisingly noticed that neither its rods nor its flowers were damaged (photos 4 and
the other hand, and like the years before, several of these formations were found near a barrows, or near a white horse, or both near a barrow and a white horse (photos 6,
8 and
The same observation was made with several formations in wheat. In July in West Down Gallops (photo 10), the formation showed a sort of large needle, which was specifically directed towards a nearby barrow which was planted with trees, and where there was a standing stone on its top (photos
11 and
The formation being called « Mayan mask », according to the motifs (photo 13), has an axis of symmetry which is precisely directed towards Sillbury Hill as if to point a finger at it..
Milk Hill and Pewsey white horses have also attracted several formations in the surrounding wheat fields (photo 15).
These locations cannot be the result of chance. We have shown before (see the page « What is the meaning of crop circles ? ») that the numerous barrows of Wiltshire in England are evidence left by the descendants of the Atlantean civilisation, who stayed in this region thousands of years ago. And the human tradition consisting in drawing and maintaining the track on the ground of white horses seems to find its source in the same descendants of Atlanteans who once inhabited this region. On drawing our attention towards these witnesses of the Atlantean civilisation, these crop circles would remind us the forgotten civilisation that preceded ours.
The white horse of Devizes, near which two crop circles were drawn in the rape fields, is very recent since it was made in 1999. But we know that it was made to replace another representation of a horse that existed close by and which, being situated on a private property, had disappeared due to poor maintenance. However, the oldest white horse - at least amongst those which have stood the test of time until now -, situated in Uffington, dates back from thousands of years, and this tradition consisting in drawing horses in the chalky soil has lasted outstandingly well until today and is still alive ! This shows the depth of the imprint left in the collective consciousness of men in this region, an imprint which seems to originate in Atlantis 5000 or 6000 years ago.
For the first time this year two formations have shown several series of cryptic symbols lining up and being unrelated to the usual geometric patterns. They look like alphabetic characters belonging to an unknown alphabet. That is why some researchers believe this to be a sign of an ancient language that needs to be deciphered... These two formations appeared at an interval of three days and in the same area, the first on June 27 in South Filed (Alton Priors) (photo 14), and the second on June 30 below the white horse of Milk Hill (photo
Note that the latter drawing of Milk Hill was created in three phases (21, 23 and 30 June), the « alphabetical characters » being added after the geometric design (photos 15,
16 and
These characters, whose authenticity has not been questioned, are completely new amongst representations of crop circles. They reveal an « vunusual style », very different from all the other geometric patterns which are almost always created on the basis of circles or arcs of circles, and which always show elements of symmetry. These alignments of symbols are relatively simple and show a few repetitions at South Field, but are more varied and all different from each other at Milk Hill. It emerges from their observation an impression of disharmony or at least a different energy, as if the authors had been inspired by a different intention. We may even question the fact that the creators of these characters could have « grafted » on the geometric patterns previously created by other authors.
These two crop circles are unique to this day. They must be classified separately from others and their interpretation must be approached with caution. To me, they inspire two types of reflections, which can also be complementary.
On the one hand these symbols remind me that the elementary beings, who are probably the authors of these crop circles (see page « Who are the authors of crop circles ?), are capable of humour
But, taken at face value, these signs could also be a way to make us understand that the authors wish to be finally understood, but cannot do otherwise than manifest this by geometric figures in the fields, as they do not know the human writing. The limited level of development of these elementals do not allow them to control writing - they can nevertheless transmit and receive thoughts, and they possess a highly developed intelligence in some areas. Writing that consists of engraving thoughts in matter is by nature a form of communication characterising of intelligent beings incarnate in matter. It is adapted to humans but one can understand that it is not adapted to immaterial beings such as the elementals. Furthermore, it must be remembered that man himself developed writing not so long ago, compared to its history. Even if speech goes back much farther in time, the most ancient texts found, engraved in pictographic clay tablets by the Sumerians, dated back to 5500 years only.
The elementals communicate directly by thoughts but men are not receptive to these ideas - except geobiologists who have learned to mix with nature spirits (14-15)The elementals communicate directly by thoughts but men are not receptive to these ideas - except geobiologists who have learned to mix with nature spirits (37).
Galileo did say : « We cannot understand the universe without first learning to understand the language in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its letters are triangles, circles and other geometric forms, without which it is impossible for man to comprehend a single word. »
An idea that O. M. Aiuml;vanhov developed by writing (37) : « The realities by far the richest and most complex, when reduced to its essential, are expressed in images and symbols. Symbols are the language of nature itself, but for most people, this language is undecipherable. The absolute symbolic language is that of geometric figures. The geometrical figures are like the framework of reality. One must learn to see these symbols in their « skeletal » aspect and for this one must go further and higher, where they are completely stripped, where they are reduced to mere abstractions, i.e. geometric figures. »
These thoughts sum up the essence of the problem posed by the phenomenon of crop circles ; the elementals have always tried to communicate with us by creating symbols and geometric patterns in fields, those symbols are the language of Nature as expressed by O. M. Aïvanhov. But men are not sensitive to this form of language, and their authors, who have been trying to make themselves known since a very long time, are well aware that they are not understood. Through these strange signs, they may wish to make us understand that they can do nothing more, showing us that they do not have the means of writing their thoughts...
This remark might lead us to make a link with the coded messages contained in the crop circles that appeared in 2001 and 2002, respectively near the observatory of Chibolton and near the city of Winchester, and which were easily deciphered (see the page « Who are the authors of crop circles ? »). But in both cases, the authors clearly showed themselves as extraterrestrial beings (by the information contained in the message or by the shape of the face represented), i.e. being more advanced than humans, and the messages were easily understandable as they were both written in codes used by man. We must be careful not to mix these two types of crop circles.
Characteristically, during the 2009 season, several formations in wheat were mowed by irate farmers who could not accept that strangers had « invaded » their private property without their permission, and they took the liberty of laying down a part of their crop to the ground !
In two places (in Winterbourne Bassett, and near Avebury), the pattern was completely removed on the day of its discovery. In photo 18, the great circle is clearly the result of the mowing by the farmer, but in the circle one can guess traces of the pattern that had been drawn before. In both cases, the authors returned shortly afterwards in the same field to draw another motif beside the first one (three days later at Winterbourne Bassett (photo
18)). At that point, the farmer resigned himself and did not intervene, however he put a signpost prohibiting entry into his field. On the other hand, in the field near Avebury, the other farmer destroyed the second glyph with his mower, and that time the authors did not intervene again.
Third similar case : a crop circle made at Cannings Cross (near Allington) was partially erased by the farmer from the first day (photo 19), so much so that no photography of the initial formation was taken. Surprisingly enough, he mowed wheat but in a strange way as he only mowed on a circular band. It is interesting to note that he did not dare to remove the glyph entirely, as if he had been stopped in his gesture... The farmer might have received a subtle external influence, preventing him in destroying the glyph in order to retain a certain harmony in the motif.
Photo 20 is a photomontage showing the design as it must have been before being partially destroyed by the farmer.
this episode, the authors came back on July 13 to correct to the fullest extent possible the « damages » made by the farmer, and completed the damaged motif (photo 21). Le fermier s'est alors résigné et n'est plus intervenu après ce second passage des auteurs, mais il n'en a pas moins montré sa mauvaise humeur en accueillant les visiteurs avec brutalité pour leur empêcher d'entrer dans son champ, ceci avant que la police n'intervienne !
A similar sequence had already occurred once in 2008 in Avebury Manor. After the authors had represented a magnificent solar system in a wheat field, with the sun and its nine planets in their respective orbits (photo 22), the angry farmer came with his mower, but he only mowed three bays between the double tracks of the mower, and he damaged the center of the pattern. Once again it is interesting to notice that, although he intended to destroy the glyph, he changed his mind and rapidly stopped the destruction, as if once again he had received outside influence stopping him in his task... Then the authors came back the following day to erase to the fullest extent possible the marks of the mower in the center&n; they then expanded the outer circle (corresponding to the sun), which had the effect of erasing the orbits of the first two planets (photo
23). They then added a large number of various other motifs in the same field outside the representation of the solar system (photo
24), just « as if they wanted to demonstrate their state-of-art ». The farmer then gave up and let the visitors enter his field.
In these four cases, the authors seem to show a certain perseverance « to deliver their message » to men, while reluctant farmers make them disappear. This reveals a certain tension among some farmers, and also that « these messages » are believed to be important and urgent by their authors, who allow themselves to pester the owners of these fields.
Also new in 2009 : a split formation at the edge of the field of Martinsell Hill (photo 25) on July 19. The first thing that comes to mind is that this drawing was not properly centered in the field, that there was an error of sight, but we realise that the missing circles could have been (or should have been) drawn in the neighbouring field, but this is not the case. The wheat stalks have been laid down to a limit which is exactly the limit for cereals, and the grass had not been touched, although more flexible than wheat : they should have been laid down if the same force had been applied (photo
26). This observation shows that the design was deliberately cut at the edge of the corn field. Why ? This looks like a humoristic way to attract our attention, and/or to show the « technical » mastery of the authors. Another trait of humour of these elementary beings who probably are at the origin of this glyph.
Several farmers whose fields were chosen to draw these crop circles have set this year a canister in the center of the formation or at the edge of their field, politely asking visitors for a financial participation in compensation for loss due to repeated trampling. This intelligent practice on their part is a way of showing their acceptation of a fait accompli that a crop circle was drawn on their property, and on the other hand an understanding that this is in general addressed to men, and in consequence normal for all persons interested to come into their field and closely observe this. It is a pleasure to see that this attitude was observed on several occasions, even though this is not shared by all farmers.
This attitude of comprehension, of respect and kindness towards visitors who feel invited to enter the field should bring about the same attitude from those visiting, who in turn should avoid crossing the fields outside the grooves of the mower.
The total number of crop circles observed in the region is comparable to that observed in previous years ; between 70 and 80 in average, of about a third of those reported annually worldwide.
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14 : Marko POGACNIK - A la rencontre des êtres élémentaires (Ed. Mouvement de Culture Bio-Dynamique).
15 : Christine BEUSCH - Nous existons ! Dans l'intimité des êtres élémentaires (Ed. Triades).
19 : Patrick J. PETRI - Connaissance initiatique 3 - Êtres élémentaires & entités angéliques (Spiritual Book France).
37 : Omraam M. AÏVANHOV - Le langage des figures géométriques (Ed. Prosveta).
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