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The 2011 season in England
(and Italy)

Near a nuclear power plant

The first crop circle to appear in 2011 in the United Kingdom was not achieved in Wiltshire but in Wales (Innage village, close to Chepstow) on April 22, in a rape seed field (photo 1). It happens that the year before, in 2010, another crop circle had been drawn not far away (in Woolaston) in another rape field. These two formations were located some distance away from the usual sites but close to the same nuclear power plant (photo 2). Do you believe that both of them being close to the nuclear power plant might just happen by chance...? Be sure that the spirits of nature are trying to call our attention to the dangers of nuclear industry.

Innage (Wales) - 22 avril 2011
Photo © Olivier Morel
Innage (April 2011),  Woolaston (April 2010) and Oldbury nuclear power plant (Wales)

No formations in broad beans or maize fields

Whereas in 2010, about ten formations were achieved at the foot of several defensive positions (castles or hillforts) around Avebury, in 2011, no crop circle was laid out close to these ancient monuments, except at Barbury Castle (two formations), a privileged site for many years.

There has been no crop circle formed in a broad bean field as it happened in 2010 and none either in maize, as was usually the case at the end of the season over the past years. The reason may be that it is difficult in those types of crops to bend the stems without breaking them.

In the past years, formations had left a rather important percentage of broken stems (from 10 to 20 %) in the broad bean fields as well as in the maize fields ; this leads many observers to doubt that the job can have any other origin but human. People tend to focus on the broken stems and therefore on the damage caused to the crops rather than wonder how come the stems have been properly bent down in spite of their natural rigidity ; something human beings are incapable of doing. So, we notice that, after trying for many years, the authors of the circles have given up operating in this type of crop.

Silbury Hill - April 29, 2011
Photo © Lucy Pringle
Photo © Lucy Pringle

Stems are also very stiff and fragile in rape seed fields (as anybody can verify in the springtime in any rape field) ; and we do see sometimes a few broken stems but not that many. There were fewer formations in rape fields in 2011, only three of them : there were twice as many last year (photos 3 and 4).

Near Stonehenge

Stonehenge - June 20, 2011
Photo © Lucy Pringle

The Stonehenge area attracted three formations in wheat and barley fields. The first one (June 20, 2011, (photo 5)) is remarkable due to a surprising coincidence. We know that the geometrical patterns illustrated by the crop circles often have a symbolic meaning. It happens that the symbol represented is the almost exact reproduction of a rock band's logo ; and this, not only in the pattern itself but also in proportions (photo 6). This band, named « Crass » launched the punk movement in England from 1977 onwards, and has encouraged anarchism as a political ideology. This band was again mentioned in 2010. It also focused on respecting animals, respecting the environment, refusing racism and war, etc.

It is noticeable that these values are very close to respecting nature in a general way, that is to say very close to what the spirits of nature find essential. That could explain why they reproduced the logo of this very well known rock band in England, as it is another way of impressing the imagination of English observers, by calling their attention on the values promoted by this band, and putting the emphasis on how important it is to respect nature.

Stonehenge - July 13, 2011
Photo © Lucy Pringle

Undoubtedly, the first idea that comes to mind is whether this crop circle could be a hoax created by human beings. Even though I did not observe it myself directly (the field was closed and access forbidden when I went there), it is most likely authentic as the many observations and pictures taken attest (you can refer to

A beautiful symmetrical crop circle - based on the number 3 - appeared very close to the megalithic spot of Stonehenge (photo 7), in the very field it had already appeared in 2010 (at that time it was a rape field), that is to say in the same field where a fractal had been cut out in 1996, in full daytime (no visitor present in the vicinity being aware of it).

Formations created in several stages

Two formations were achieved in two stages, several days apart. The first one (photos 8 and 9) located below the « White Horse » in Milk Hill (July 6 and 11, 2011).

Milk Hill -  July 6, 2011
Photo © John Montgomery
Milk Hill - July 11, 2011
Photo © Lucy Pringle

The second one (photos 10, 11 and 12) near « Barge Inn » not far from the canal. It represented insect-like motifs - based on the number 5 symmetry -. Actually, three formations were achieved very close to each other around « Barge Inn ».

Honneystreet - July 4, 2011
Photo © Lucy Pringle
Honneystreet - July 5, 2011
Photo © Lucy Pringle
Honneystreet - July 4, 2011
Photo © Olivier Morel

Complex formations

Several formations are characterized by the complexity of their patterns :

  • some are made visible by the contours of the zones where the cereals have been flattened out (photo 13),
  • for others, inside these lighter zones, it is the different directions of the flattened stems which create new and subtle motifs (photo 14).
West Woody Down - July 29, 2011
East Kennett - July 22, 2011
Photo © Lucy Pringle

Remarkable new formations in Italy

A new type of crop circle has appeared in Italy, near the city of Torino. Up to now, all the formations worldwide could be classified into two distinct categories :

  • on the one hand, the ones with purely geometrical patterns ; they represent more or less the totality of what has been observed all over the world,,
  • on the other hand, only two exceptional formations turned up, one in Chilbolton in 2001 and the other one in Crabwood in 2002 in England, representing a face and a coded message (both messages have been deciphered)..
Poirino (Italy) - June 20, 2011

On June 20, 2011 a formation appeared in Poirino near Torino (photo 15), showing a beautiful star with seven points, encased in a larger star, also with seven points and surrounded by a set of tiny identical circles, the whole motif perfectly laid out. With its geometrical precision, it seems to belong to the first category.

But, this pattern is completed by seven radial segments between the points of the outer star ; those segments are themselves made of eight small circles, some of them of a lighter colour (where the wheat stems have been bent), the others are darker (the wheat stems have not been touched) ; each segment has a different decorative arrangement. It unmistakably evokes the ASCII language, which uses eight characters on a binary basis (0 or 1) to represent the letters of the alphabet (lower and upper case), numbers and other signs (photo 16). This language was already used in the Crabwood crop circle in 2002.

Poirino (Italy) - June 20, 2011

In this case the darker circles are equivalent to number 0 and the lighter circles to number 1. By reading those seven segments, using the ASCII language, you discover an inscription made of those two words : « Enki Ea » divided by a space (thus you do have the seven characters).

Enki is one of the three most important divinities of the Mesopotamian civilization (the two others being Anu and Enlil). This god was already mentioned in the oldest Sumerian texts. In the Assyro-Babylonian civilization he is named Ea. Enki-Ea appears in myths where he often plays an important part, such as being the one who created Man, whom he also protected against the fury of Enlil. He is also known as the god of water, springs and rivers. According to tradition, these elements play an important part in incantations, which is why Enki Ea became the master of magic.

The ASCII language, elaborated by man, has been chosen by the authors of the pattern so that the inscription could be understood by man. Apart from the meaning of these two names, we have clear indications which entitle us to relate the Poirino formation to the second category.

What could this message of Poirino 2011 mean ?

The fact that the divinity, Enki Ea, is described as the master of magic, and because a seven-pointed star is particularly difficult to draw perfectly, the following assumption comes to our mind : people today do not understand the origin of crop circles and know neither who drew them nor how (thus inducing the idea of the usual alien interference which has never been proved). So, the author of this crop circle presented himself as a magician drawing to perfection this symmetrical pattern - based on the number 7 - ; thus turning the message into a joke aimed at human beings.

Another explanation could be connected to the theory of cosmogenesis referred to in the translation of old Sumerian texts and developed over the past few years, in which men would have been created by gods, Enki Ea being one of them. This « god Enki Ea », clearly mentioned in the circle, could stem from there.

Anyway, with no other indication in the inscription that could help us to identify its author (as in the Chilbolton 2001 message for example) ; it remains confusing in people’s minds.

Poirino (Italy) - June 13, 2011

A year earlier, in 2010, another crop circle appeared in the same village, Poirino (photo 17). It was also a beautiful large symmetrical pattern (a small star with 12 points encased in a larger 6-pointed star), perfectly laid out over two different types of crops. Moreover, six circles were visible inside the six points of the larger star, each circle containing a variable number of « dots » placed on either side of a circular line.

Now, some researchers thought of counting the dots distinguishing between the ones inside the circle and those placed outside. It gives six numbers (photo 18), and there again if one refers to the ASCII language, these numbers (based on the decimal system) correspond to letters, numbers or signs used by computers. That is how they discovered the inscription « E = M C² », which indeed requires 6 signs, one of them corresponding to the superscript sign.

What might the meaning of this Poirino 2010 message be ?

This equation is known as Einstein’s equation, it gives the equivalences between mass and energy (E for energy, M for mass, C for the speed of light in vacuum). Man today has a purely materialist vision of the world, limited to his visual perceptions. For him all that exists and all that is living takes on a material form : solid, liquid or gaseous. The world is divided into several kingdoms : mineral, plant, animal and human. All the matter that constitutes the bodies belonging to these different kingdoms is dispersed in the vacuum of the universe (the intermolecular, interplanetary, interstellar vacuum).

As we have seen, the crop circle phenomenon is characterized by the fact that each circle was achieved by intelligent, invisible beings, therefore immaterial living beings. The very existence of the crop circles, particularly the 2010 one in Poirino with its Einstein equation, reminds us that life can take on immaterial forms. Spirits (elementary beings for example) are living beings non-incarnated in matter and consequently invisible to our human eyes. They reveal themselves in a material form to remind us of this reality that men have henceforth forsaken. And because men are buried in incredulity the authors of the Poirino circle decided to insist by making the message explicit.

The complexity of geometrical patterns :

On the whole crop circles have grown progressively more and more elaborate over the years in most countries but the evolution is more striking in England then elsewhere. Even if some of the patterns remain very simple even in England, that is where the most spectacular geometrical motifs appear whereas in other countries they remain less sophisticated.

Actually, among the twelve formations signaled in Italy in 2011, eleven of them are relatively simple. But the 2011 Poirino circle stands out because of its high standard of sophistication, comparable to the most complex circles in England. Likewise with the 2010 circle.

For the following two reasons : a stunningly elaborate pattern and especially the fact that it contains a coded message (in ASCII), we are led to classify these two Italian circles under a third and new category.

Who might the authors be ? Neither the geometrical patterns nor the content of the coded messages give us any clue to answer this question. We can only note that the presence of these coded messages indicates that the authors are not elementary beings but more advanced spiritual entities on the scale of evolution.

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