The hypothesis of a natural cause was put forth a few years back in an effort to explain the formation of crop circles but it is now obvious that some unquestionable intelligence is behind these formations. The question is “why”.
As developed above, we know that the various and elaborate methods used cannot be associated with the work of human beings and actually much less with any kind of natural phenomena. They are the hallmark of active intelligences, of intelligent beings. It is also worth noting a generic evolution in their implementation, and in the UK in particular. Even if certain formations are still geometrically straightforward (such as just one isolated circle or a set of circles), crop circles are more and more elaborate as time passes.
Every summer, teams of researchers who have a passion for the crop circle phenomenon meet up in Wiltshire. They position themselves in strategic locations on top of hills where the probability of crop circle formations is high. They stay up all night armed with infrared cameras and projectors etc. with the hopes of capturing a formation in progress. These yearly meetings have been ongoing for many years and yet these operations always turn out unsuccessful! Again in the summer of 2008 I myself was there near Milk Hill when several teams spread out in order to position themselves on top of the hill. The night sky was clear and the moon was shining. At dawn, no one had seen/recorded anything... and yet a new formation lay there, made without anyone noticing. This event is typical of what happens there every year!
No one has ever managed to capture a crop circle in the process of creation. The only exception is that of Oliver Castle in 1996 but the mere fact it is an exception makes it questionable.
Appropriate conclusions that can be drawn from all of this:
It is worth noting that the witnesses that had the opportunity to see a crop circle in progress were surprised by what they saw because they were not expecting anything of this nature to happen in front of them.
The Pi number was expressed in base 10 (the circle was divided into 10 sectors). This number could have been expressed in other bases like base 2 which is used in computer science and in electronics let alone it is a universal base. But base 10 is the one used by man and this message was meant to be read by man.
At first glance, what we see in this picture (photo 7)is five crop circles lined up. But a more thorough analysis of the picture reveals that only one crop circle is in the picture. It is the one in the foreground as an extension of four lined up tumuli, each of which being highlighted by two concentric circles drawn by the farmer's tractor. The funny thing about this is that the crop circle pattern seems to have been thought out so as to cause an illusion that makes it look like one of the other tumuli. But what came as a real surprise is when a curious investigator consulted the archives of the village nearby and found proof there had been – way back – a fifth tumulus as an extension of the other four and placed exactly where the crop circle was created.!
This means that this crop circle was actually created to reproduce the fifth tumulus, a vestige of ancient history later destroyed by man. Even the locals had forgotten all about that! But the crop circle authors knew about it which somehow shows that they are familiar with our history.
The characteristics of these crop circles and the circumstances under which they appear, lead any impartial observer to the inescapable conclusion they are the works of intelligent beings external to humankind. These beings are present among us although invisible. In other words, crop circle authors are intelligent and immaterial beings present among us.
Whereas humankind believes they are the most intelligent beings on Earth; whereas humankind seeks to establish contact with other beings elsewhere in the universe, the existence of crop circles shows that other intelligent beings are here on Earth but we don't seem to be aware of it. Thus, every year in many countries, intelligent beings make attempts to connect with humankind. They manifest themselves through spectacular and concrete works that everyone can see and yet most people are still unaware of the phenomenon or keep ignoring it because they don't understand it!
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12 : Colin ANDREWS et Stephen SPIGNESI - Crop Circles, signes et contacts : nouvelles révélations (Ed. Exclusif), p 122.
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