Page d'accueil LISTEN to the EARTH


In these crucial times in which we are living, humankind feels more and more concerned about strange signs in the sky (UFOs), messages found in fields (crop circles) or other manifestations sent by non-human intelligences.

Then the basic questions one may ask are: who are these intelligent entities revealing themselves to us? and what are their motives?

Modern scientific knowledge cannot explain these manifestations and thus cannot answer these questions. Trapped in their materialist vision of the world, most people either refuse to recognize the reality of these phenomena or, not knowing what this is all about, put them down to hypothetical extraterrestrial beings, although the extraterrestrial hypothesis is often incompatible with what has been witnessed.

A simple and yet novel approach

Daniel Harran, Doctor in Science and Assistant Professor in physics at the University of Pau, France, puts forth an entirely new interpretation which is different from the classic extraterrestrial hypotheses. It is based on a rational approach which integrates ancient knowledge as well as religious and spiritual knowledge.

These sources of knowledge left behind by science and therefore little known support one another to tell us that the intelligent entities in question are terrestrial beings from another dimension which manifest themselves to us in various forms. They are referred to as either spirits of nature, elementary beings or elemental beings. Unlike what modern beliefs suggest, these beings are real although they are invisible to most of us and their ability to control matter – which in itself is unbelievable – may explain a number of manifestations such as UFOs, crop circles and other unexplained phenomena.

About the author

Photo of Daniel Harran
Daniel Harran

Of all of the scientific disciplines, physics is the one that seeks to describe the laws of the universe. It was an attraction to these laws that led me to the study of physics. After a doctorate in thermodynamics, I chose the career of professor in physics at the University of Pau, France. The themes of research that I covered related to the study of polymers by rheological methods (relationships between applied deformations and stress). Through my profession, I was able to fulfill my desire to share my knowledge of physics with others.

Gradually, however, I felt the limits of this overly materialist science in truly describing our universe, and I then became interested in phenomena still unexplained by science. It is thus that the mystery of crop circles became one of my passions.

It was easy to understand that some of the formations created in the farmlands were the work of man. But even if the numerous scientific analyses undertaken for more than twenty years have led to very significant conclusions, they failed to elucidate the nature of the phenomenon. I therefore decided to go and observe for myself the phenomenon in Wiltshire County, England. I was also able to observe several formations of crop circles in France.

The previous research being unsuccessful, I tried to approach this study using a resolutely rational approach based on ancient knowledge ignored by science. It is through this approach that I discovered the existence of an amazing world, the world of elemental beings who live near us in another, parallel dimension and who form a part of the spiritual world.

From the knowledge of these invisible beings, I then widened my study to other mysterious phenomena, such as UFOs, for it seemed natural to me that these beings could indeed manifest themselves in many ways in the material world of humanity.

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